Benefits of Native Aquatic Plants Workshop.
The Isanti SWCD is hosting a Benefits of Native Aquatic Plants Workshop on Wednesday August 25 from 6:00-7:00pm. This free event will take place online over Zoom.
The speaker will be Dr. Ray Newman, a professor from the University of Minnesota. The talk will include topics such as how plants contribute to a lake's nutrient cycle, how native plants alter a lake, and management options. There will be time for questions and answers at the end. This workshop is open to all and will be especially beneficial to those with lakeshore properties! We hope you can make it! The Zoom link is posted below as well as on the Facebook event for this workshop.
If you know you will be attending please email
Topic: Benefits of Native Aquatic Plants Workshop
Time: Aug 25, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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