District staff
Our staff is here to serve the residents of Isanti County. Due to limited staff and the outdoor nature of our service, staff may not be in the office at all times. Consider calling ahead of your visit: 763-689-3271
From left to right: Lydia Godfrey, Todd Kulaf, Tiffany Determan, Douglas Page, Willow Dean, Linda Gehrking, Matthew Remer
Tiffany Determan
District Manager
Budgeting, Grant Administration, Program Development, One Watershed One Plan, Large River Projects, Operational Administration, Water Quality Analysis
Todd Kulaf
Conservation Technician
Technical assistance for Wetland Conservation Act and Wetland Restorations, Stormwater Management, Lakeshore Restorations, Urban Subwatershed Assessments
Matthew Remer
Conservation Technician
Agriculture Structural and Non-Structural Projects, Buffers, Water Monitoring, No-Till Drill Rental
Tree Sale Questions and Payments, Billing, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Website Development