Contact Lydia Godfrey to get started by emailing or calling 763-689-3271.
A video was taken showing the project installation and the final restored wetland. Click the button below to view it.
The rates to rent the drill are: Inside Isanti County: $15 per acre with a $175 minimum.
Outside Isanti County: $20 per acre with a $275 minimum. In addition, a $161.81 damage deposit is due at the time of rental. If the machine is returned in unsatisfactory condition such that the seed boxes require cleaning, a $100.00 cleaning fee will be added to the rental fee.
If you are interested in renting the no-till drill, call Matthew at 763-689-3271.
We have made a short storyboard that will take you through the progress made on Green Lake.
In 2017, Tim and his wife launched their farm operation, which has steadily grown, culminating in the establishment of their market two years ago. The fresh meat they sell is sourced directly from their farm, where they raise cattle and chickens and grow corn, soybeans, and small grains. The market also serves a goal close to his wife, Renae’s, heart as she grew up in a more urban environment: “She wanted to be able to connect her people with stuff we’re doing on the farm,” Tim shares. This goal of connection shines through their work as they provide local goods to their community, both through their market and farm, while actively learning and sharing ways to produce sustainably.
Striving for conservation, Tim is willing to experiment with new practices on his land. Over the past two years, he has implemented strip-tilling to “reduce tearing up the soil completely and find ways to preserve a little bit of organic matter, carbon, and nutrients.” He is also incorporating cover crops to improve soil health and prevent erosion. Tim’s dedication to these practices demonstrates his commitment to sustainable farming and his vision of a thriving farm for future generations.
For Tim, conservation is about leaving the land better than he found it and ensuring future generations can continue farming sustainably. “Conservation means leaving something for my boys to find. I want them to have the same opportunities to do the same stuff I’ve been doing,” he reflects. By adopting and advocating for sustainable practices, Tim Braun sets an example, proving that the future of farming is filled with with knowledge, passion, and community support.
2023 was a busy year for Isanti SWCD. Click here to read all about our most recent Conservation programs and priorities. We would like to send out a special thank you to all our Federal, State, and Local partners who support our mission to preserve, protect, and enhance water quality, soil, and other natural resources in Isanti County. We’re already planning great things for 2024, including having a new no-till drill and a tree planter available to rent, starting an Isanti County farmer-led group, lakeshore restorations on Green Lake and Skogman Lake, and having the final alum treatment on Blue Lake.
One of our conservation technicians got to speak with KBEK about their work. Todd Kulaf discussed the Isanti SWCD and his conservation project at Spectacle Lake. Thank you to KBEK for talking to us! If you missed it you can listen to it here.