Isanti Soil & Water Conservation District

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Isanti SWCD

Serving the residents and conserving our natural resources

The Mission of the Isanti Soil and Water Conservation District is to provide guidance, to inspire action, and to bring innovative resources to the table so that people can become leaders in keeping land and water healthy for future generations.
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Our Tree Sale is now Open!

Our tree sale is now open! You will want to hurry, as we sell out of most varieties. We also have many new options this year! The best way to order is on our website. Order pick-up day will be Friday, May 2nd.
Go to the Sale

Learn more about each of the tree varieties

Guide to the Tree Sale

Want more information on your tree selection? Check out our guide to the tree sale, which provides more details on each of the tree and shrub varieties.
Tree Sale Guide

Funding for Well Sealing

60% Cost-Share for Well Sealing

We have funding for well sealing! The Isanti SWCD will reimburse landowners 60% of the total cost to seal the well. For this opportunity, the well must be located in the Rum River Watershed - which contains most of Isanti County.

Contact Lydia Godfrey to get started by emailing or calling 763-689-3271.

Thomas Yentsch Selected as Outstanding Conservationist

Congratulations to Thomas Yentsch, recipient of the 2024 Isanti Soil and Water Conservation District’s Outstanding Conservationist Award! Each year, the Isanti SWCD recognizes an individual or organization for their outstanding accomplishments in implementing conservation practices and improving Minnesota’s natural resources. This year, the Isanti SWCD board of supervisors voted unanimously to name Thomas Yentsch an Outstanding Conservationist in recognition of his efforts to protect Isanti County lakes through volunteering, educating, and implementing water quality practices.
Read about Tom's conservation work

February Webinar

Selecting the Best Trees for Your Property and Goals

Join us for a webinar about Selecting the Best Trees for Your Property and Goals. Not every tree is suited for every location. Join us to learn from Devon Wenthe, DNR Forester, about the key characteristics to consider when selecting the right tree for your property, and get expert advice on which tree species best align with your goals. You will also hear from Anna Stockstad about how you can prepare your forests for climate change.
Register for the Webinar

Wetland Restoration Completed on Green Lake

We installed a wetland restoration on County Ditch 23. This restoration will prevent 49 lbs of phosphorus and 17 tons of sediment from entering Green Lake annually.

A video was taken showing the project installation and the final restored wetland. Click the button below to view it.

Watch the Video

When Development Comes to Town

Watch this animated video that tackles some of the challenges and opportunities presented by growth in our small communities. The video masterfully weaves together complex insights and simple practicality about planning for development while maintaining natural resources and community character.
Watch the Video

Alum Treatment Completed on Blue Lake

Alum Treatment Success on Blue Lake!

The Isanti SWCD secured a Clean Water Fund Grant to perform an alum treatment on Blue Lake that was done on September 11th. This is the second and final treatment following the first half-dose that was applied in 2022. An alum treatment was identified as the next most logical and cost-effective way to protect Blue Lake and address the high phosphorus levels in the lake. The treatment would not be possible without the Blue Lake Improvement District, who provided a necessary 25% grant match and worked with the Isanti SWCD to make this a reality. Going forward, the Isanti SWCD will continue to protect the health of Blue Lake by completing conservation projects in the area surrounding the lake.
Learn About the Alum Treatment

New No-Till Drill Available to Rent

Rent the No-Till Drill

We are excited to announce that a new no-till drill is now available for rent! This new drill is significantly more reliable and is also equipped to plant cover crops and prairie seedings. The no-till drill is available to anyone seeding a parcel of land within a 20-mile radius of the city of Isanti, or within 30 road miles.

The rates to rent the drill are: Inside Isanti County: $15 per acre with a $175 minimum.

Outside Isanti County: $20 per acre with a $275 minimum. In addition, a $161.81 damage deposit is due at the time of rental. If the machine is returned in unsatisfactory condition such that the seed boxes require cleaning, a $100.00 cleaning fee will be added to the rental fee.

If you are interested in renting the no-till drill, call Matthew at 763-689-3271.

Our Green Lake Mission

Progresses Made to Improve Green Lake's Water Quality

We have made a lot of progress towards our goal of getting Green Lake off the impaired waterbodies list! 2023 was the third year of a 16-year grant program to improve the health of Green Lake. The first phase of the grant is finding projects that have a direct impact on the lake.

We have made a short storyboard that will take you through the progress made on Green Lake.

View the Storyboard

A Farm Built for Conservation and Community

Tim Braun, a lifelong farmer, is dedicated to learning new techniques to improve soil health. Growing up on a farm near Princeton, he helped his parents on their operation before earning a degree in agronomy. As an agronomist, he traveled around the state and learned from other farmers implementing practices to benefit their soil and crops. Now, Tim focuses his expertise on his own farm, aiming to leave the land better than he found it for his young sons, who are increasingly eager to follow in his footsteps.

In 2017, Tim and his wife launched their farm operation, which has steadily grown, culminating in the establishment of their market two years ago. The fresh meat they sell is sourced directly from their farm, where they raise cattle and chickens and grow corn, soybeans, and small grains. The market also serves a goal close to his wife, Renae’s, heart as she grew up in a more urban environment: “She wanted to be able to connect her people with stuff we’re doing on the farm,” Tim shares. This goal of connection shines through their work as they provide local goods to their community, both through their market and farm, while actively learning and sharing ways to produce sustainably.

Striving for conservation, Tim is willing to experiment with new practices on his land. Over the past two years, he has implemented strip-tilling to “reduce tearing up the soil completely and find ways to preserve a little bit of organic matter, carbon, and nutrients.” He is also incorporating cover crops to improve soil health and prevent erosion. Tim’s dedication to these practices demonstrates his commitment to sustainable farming and his vision of a thriving farm for future generations.

For Tim, conservation is about leaving the land better than he found it and ensuring future generations can continue farming sustainably. “Conservation means leaving something for my boys to find. I want them to have the same opportunities to do the same stuff I’ve been doing,” he reflects. By adopting and advocating for sustainable practices, Tim Braun sets an example, proving that the future of farming is filled with with knowledge, passion, and community support.

For the latest happenings at the Isanti SCWD, please view or download our newsletter.

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2023 was a busy year for Isanti SWCD. Click here to read all about our most recent Conservation programs and priorities. We would like to send out a special thank you to all our Federal, State, and Local partners who support our mission to preserve, protect, and enhance water quality, soil, and other natural resources in Isanti County. We’re already planning great things for 2024, including having a new no-till drill and a tree planter available to rent, starting an Isanti County farmer-led group, lakeshore restorations on Green Lake and Skogman Lake, and having the final alum treatment on Blue Lake.

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One of our conservation technicians got to speak with KBEK about their work. Todd Kulaf discussed the Isanti SWCD and his conservation project at Spectacle Lake. Thank you to KBEK for talking to us! If you missed it you can listen to it here.

logo SWCD Isanti Final MWA 8       KBEK

  • View a map of all completed SWCD projects. Click on individual projects to read more about them.
    We have made a lot of progress towards our goal of getting Green Lake off the impaired waterbodies list! In 2021, we began a 16-year grant program to improve the health of Green Lake. We have made a short storyboard to take you through everything we have done on Green Lake.
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    Oak wilt, caused by the non-native fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum, is responsible for killing large numbers of oak trees annually in Minnesota. Oak Wilt is most severe in red oak group species such as Northern Red Oak and Northern Pin Oak. Residents can call the SWCD and the Isanti County Parks Department for names of contractors who can help with trees and root trenching on their property.
    The Isanti SWCD rents a seed drill suitable for planting native grasses and wildflowers. Cost is $12/acre. Rental must be within 20 miles of the City of Isanti. Rental has a $150 minimum fee within Isanti County. Rental minimum outside of Isanti county is $250. A $161.81 damage deposit is required at the time of rental. For safety reasons, we ask that you don't drive over 20 mph while towing the seeder. Call Matthew Remer at 763-689-3271 to schedule.