Isanti Soil & Water Conservation District

 Events are listed in chronological order below. All events are free unless otherwise stated.  


Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Workshop 

Hosted by the Mille Lacs SWCD

wildlife habitat enhancement workshop

WHEN: February 19th, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm

WHERE: Gorecki Community Center, Milaca MN

Transform your property into a thriving wildlife habitat while supporting the health of our forests! This workshop focuses on creating habitats for game species like turkeys, advancing conservation goals, and empowering landowners to embrace forest stewardship. Whether you have forested land or are ready to start planting, gain practical, expert tips to benefit wildlife and the environment. Plus, enjoy a free dinner while you learn!

YOU MUST RSVP via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or by calling the Mille Lacs SWCD office (320-983-2160).


Webinar: Selecting the Best Tree for Your Property and Goals

Selecting the Best Tree social media

WHEN: Thursday, February 27th. 6:00pm - 7:30pm

WHERE: Online Via Zoom. Register at

Not every tree is suited for every location. Join us to learn from Devon Wenthe, DNR Forester, about the key characteristics to consider when selecting the right tree for your property. Get expert advice on which tree species best align with your goals, whether you're creating wildlife habitat, preventing erosion, or pursuing other objectives.

Additionally, Anna Stockstad from the U of M Extension will discuss how to prepare your forests for climate change and share the Extension's Climate Ready Woodlands Program.

Please visit to register. Once you register, you will be sent the webinar link. 

Hosted with the Rum River Watershed Partnership. 


Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have questions or workshop topics you would like to suggest.  

For additional nearby and virtual events, visit the Lower St Croix Watershed's website: