Studies & Plans
We work with a variety of partners including local, State and Federal agencies and organizations to complete studies, reports and/or plans reports on a variety of natural resources management issues such as: lake and stream monitoring plans and reports, Stormwater Retrofit Assessments for small watersheds, and watershed scale studies and plans.
Stormwater Retrofit Assessments (SRAs):These are assessments which map and model using advanced computer applications to calculate how much stormwater turns into runoff and makes it untreated into our lakes and streams. The outputs of these studies are used to target the use of grant funds. Ideal project locations are then identified to maximize benefits while minimizing costs.
2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Oxford Township lakes
Water Quality Reports for Oxford Township Lakes and Tributaries:
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Rum River
City of Cambridge Stormwater Retrofit Assessment
City of Isanti Stormwater Retrofit Assessment
Rum River Watershed TMDLs (includes: Baxter, Fannie, Francis, Green, Long, North Stanchfield, Tennyson, Little Stanchfield, Skogman, and South Stanchfield Lakes—for excessive nutrients. Cedar Creek and Seelye Brook--for E. coli. Bacteria)
Skogman-Fannie Chain SRA Report- Executive Summary only - call the SWCD offices to obtain the complete document 763-689-3271
Water Quality Report for Skogman Lake:
2022 | 2023 |
Spectacle Lake
Spectacle Lake Stormwater Retrofit Analysis
Sunrise River
Sunrise River TMDL (North Branch—for E. coli bacteria):
Typo Lake
Typo Lake TMDL (for excessive nutrients):
Water Plans
One Watershed One Plan:
Isanti County Water Plan
The Comprehensive Local Water Management Act encourages counites to develop and implement comprehensive water management plans in order to successfully make land use decisions that protect surface and groundwater. The plans must: cover the entire area within a county; address water problems in the context of watershed units; be based on principles of sound management of water and natural resource systems; and be consistent with other water-related plans within the boundaries.
The SWCD uses the Isanti County Water Plan as a long-term planning tool. Click below to view the plan:
Isanti County Water Management Plan 2018-2028
Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS): This Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) program has a goal to complete intensive water monitoring and assessments in each of MN’s 80 major watersheds every ten years. The SWCD works with the MPCA and other watershed partners to measure the health of the watersheds within the county. During the cycle, the partners work together to evaluate water health and establish goals for improvement. This approach is best combine with One Watershed One Plan.
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs): TMDLs are studies completed on lakes and streams that are determined to be unhealthy via water quality monitoring information. The study and corresponding report identify the maximum amount of a pollutant that a body of water can receive without violating numerical standards sets by the State. The process identified all sources of a pollutant and determines how much each source must reduce its contribution in order to meet the standard. Most TMDLs in Isanti County have been complete as part of the WRAPS process.
- Rum River Watershed TMDLs (includes: Baxter, Fannie, Francis, Green, Long, North Stanchfield, Tennyson, Little Stanchfield, Skogman, and South Stanchfield Lakes—for excessive nutrients. Cedar Creek and Seelye Brook--for E. coli. Bacteria)
- Sunrise River TMDL (North Branch—for E. coli bacteria):
- Typo Lake TMDL (for excessive nutrients):